Revisions for Micafungin

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02-7-25 by ripal121

ripal121 replaced Intermittent HD assumes high-flux hemodialysis. CRRT assumes CVVHD with ultrafiltration rate 2L/h and residual native GFR with Intermittent HD assumes high-flux hemodialysis. CRRT assumes CVVHD with ultrafiltration rate 2L/h and residual native GFR < 10 mL/min. via Scanner Search and Replace module.

current revision
02-7-25 by ripal121

ripal121 replaced Intermittent HD with Intermittent HD assumes high-flux hemodialysis. CRRT assumes CVVHD with ultrafiltration rate 2L/h and residual native GFR < 10 mL/min. via Scanner Search and Replace module.

02-7-25 by conan.macdougal...

[email protected] replaced For detailed view of dialysis dosing and evidence, see <a href="">Dosing in Hemodialysis</a> document.</p> with via Scanner Search and Replace module.

11-26-24 by ripal121
11-25-24 by ripal121
07-31-24 by kaipe
09-20-23 by Annie Kim
07-20-23 by ripal121
06-13-22 by conan.macdougal...
03-14-22 by conan.macdougal...

NEW! Dosing information for micafungin, now the formulary echinocandin at UCSF Medical Center/Benioff Children's Hospital.

Dosing: Adult Antimicrobial Dosing, Non-dialysis

Indication Dose Notes
Esophageal candidiasis 150 mg IV daily



Dosage adjustment not required in renal or hepatic dysfunction

*Prophylaxis against Candida in patients with HSCT, neutropenia, hematologic malignancy, or solid organ transplant 50-100 mg IV daily


Invasive candidiasis

Empiric treatment, febrile neutropenia

Empiric treatment, non-neutropenic ICU patients

100 mg IV daily

*  If patient does not have a drug interaction with an azole, but needs micafungin as prophylaxis, these are the lab thresholds: AST or ALT > 3x ULN + new symptoms OR AST or ALT >5 x ULN OR T bilirubin ≥ 3 mg/dL


Dosing: Antimicrobial Dosing in Intermittent & Continuous Hemodialysis

Indication Dose Notes
Esophageal candidiasis 150 mg IV daily



Dosage adjustment not required in hemodialysis

*Prophylaxis against Candida in patients with HSCT, neutropenia, hematologic malignancy, or solid organ transplant 50-100 mg IV daily


Invasive candidiasis

Empiric treatment, febrile neutropenia

Empiric treatment, non-neutropenic ICU patients

100 mg IV daily

*  Micafungin can be used as an alternative to azole prophylaxis in the setting of drug interaction or hepatotoxicity beyond these lab thresholds: AST or ALT > 3x ULN with new symptoms OR AST or ALT >5 x ULN OR T bilirubin ≥ 3 mg/dL

Dialysis Notes

Restricted to ID or Antimicrobial Stewardship except:

1) Documented sterile site (not urine or respiratory) infection  with microbiologically confirmed Candida spp (ID/ASP approval required for durations exceeding 48h)

2) Documented sterile site infection (not urine or respiratory) infection with yeast, pending species identification (ID/ASP approval required for durations exceeding 48h)​

3) Prophylaxis against fungal infections in patients on the hematology/oncology/BMT service with intolerance of or contraindications to azoles

4) Empiric therapy for prolonged febrile neutropenia in hematology/oncology/BMT patient
