Guidelines At UCSF Pediatrics Sites

17 Guidelines

Syndrome Specific Guidelines

  1. Allergy (Beta-lactam)
  2. Antimicrobial Prophylaxis Guidelines for Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Patients
  3. Benioff Children's Hospitals Guidelines for Fever in Patients Receiving Cancer Therapy and/or Hematopoietic Transplantation
  4. Emergency Department Algorithm: Fever in Pediatric Patients Receiving Cancer Therapy and/or Hematopoietic Transplant
  5. Empiric Antimicrobial Treatment of Pediatric Patients with Liver Failure and/or Early Post-Liver Transplantation
  6. Guidelines for Sepsis in the ICN
  7. HBV prophylaxis
  8. Influenza
  9. IV to PO Syndromic Step-Down Guidance
  10. Necrotizing Enterocolitis/Spontaneous Intestinal Perforation: Antibiotic Selection & Duration of Therapy
  11. Pediatric Appendicitis Clinical Algorithm
  12. Surgical Prophylaxis Pediatrics

Diagnostic Testing

  1. Biofire Blood Culture Identification (BCID) Panel - BCH Oakland
  2. Blood Culture Guidelines - UCSF Medical Center
  3. OR Microbiology Specimen Collection
  4. Rapid Gram-positive Blood Culture

Policies, Procedures, & Protocols

  1. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Regarding Microbiology Results & Infectious Disease-Related Questions (UCSF West Bay Sites)