Primary tabs
Dosing: Adult Antimicrobial Dosing, Non-dialysis
Indication | Dosing | Notes |
All Indications | 200 mg IV/PO x1, then 100 mg IV/PO q12h | No adjustment for renal dysfunction |
*There may be certain situations that may require higher dosing (200 mg IV/PO q12h). Speak to ASP/ID pharmacy if needed.
Dosing: Antimicrobial Dosing in Intermittent & Continuous Hemodialysis
Indication | Dosing | Notes |
All Indications | 200 mg IV/PO x1, then 100 mg IV/PO q12h | No adjustment for hemodialysis |
*There may be certain situations that may require higher dosing (200 mg IV/PO q12h). Speak to ASP/ID pharmacy if needed.