UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Antimicrobial Susceptibility: Pediatric Inpatient/ED, Incidence-Weighted Gram-Negative Coverage By Drug

The table below lists the % of gram-negative organisms that tested susceptible to each listed drug or combination in 2019-2021, excluding Stenotrophomonas maltophilia isolates. The values incorporate the frequency with which the various organisms were isolated as well as their sensitivity to the drug; more commonly isolated organisms contribute more to the overall susceptibility results.  Results are based on standard methodology. Next update planned with 2022-2024 data.

Population Number of Isolates Ceftriaxone Ceftazidime Cefepime Pip/tazo Meropenem
All inpatient/ED isolates 860 72% (84%)* 89% 91% (94%)# 92% 97%
ICN  115 81% (86%)*, ** 90% 94% (97%)# 90% 100%
PICU & CICU  224 59% (81%)* 85% 88% (93%)# 89% 95%
non-ICU  523 76% (85%)* 90% 91% (93%)# 93% 97%

* Value in parenthesis is susceptibility if Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter are excluded

** Gentamicin susceptibility among ICN Gram-negative isolates is 85% (92% if Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter are excluded)

# Value in parentheses represents the percentage of isolates both fully susceptible and susceptible-dose depedent to cefepime. Susceptible-dose depedent isolates are Enterobacteriaceae with MIC 4 to 8 micrograms/mL for which a cefepime dose of 50 mg/kg/dose iv q8h with maximum 2g/dose, as routinely recommended per BCH Pediatric Antimicrobial Dosing Guidelines, anticipated to be active. 

Gram Negative Combinations by Location

The table below details the percent susceptibility of inpatient gram-negative isolates to single agents and to the combination of antimicrobials indicated (number to the right of the arrow). Data are from 2019-2021.

MER = meropenem; TOB = tobramycin; PIPTAZ = piperacillin/tazobactam; CFPM = cefepime; CIP = ciprofloxacin

Population Number of Isolates





CFPM# --> 


CFPM# --> 


MER --> 


MER --> 


All inpatient/ED isolates 860 92% --> 99% 92% --> 100% 94% --> 96% 94% --> 97% 97% --> 99% 97% --> 99%
ICN 115 N/A 90% --> 100% N/A 97% --> 98% N/A 100% --> 100%
PICU & CICU 222 89% --> 99% 89% --> 100% 93% --> 96% 93% --> 96% 95% --> 98% 95% --> 99%
non-ICU 532 93% --> 99% 93% --> 99% 93% --> 95% 93% --> 97% 97% --> 99% 97% --> 99%


# Numbers for cefepime combination threapy analysis are based on the percentage of isolates both fully susceptible and susceptible-dose depedent to cefepime.