Open forum infectious diseases

Out-BREAK! : An IDWeek 2023 escape room to break out of the educational mold.

Open forum infectious diseases

Diana Zhong, Sara W Dong, Victoria T Chu, Nathalie Gabriel, Katherine Lusardi, Justin B Searns, Rachel L Wattier, Elizabeth H Ristagno, Adarsh Bhimraj, Juri Boguniewicz, Paul Pottinger

Out-BREAK!: An IDWeek 2023 Escape Room to Break Out of the Educational Mold.

Open forum infectious diseases

Zhong D, Dong SW, Chu VT, Gabriel N, Lusardi K, Searns JB, Wattier RL, Ristagno EH, Bhimraj A, Boguniewicz J, Pottinger P

Clinical Features and Outcomes of Pediatric and Adult Patients Hospitalized for Covid-19: A Comparison across Age Strata.

Open forum infectious diseases

Grace X Li, Komal Gopchandani, Noah Brazer, Ashley Tippett, Chris Choi, Hui-Mien Hsiao, Miriam Oseguera, Abiodun Foresythe, Sanchita Bhattacharya, Venice Servellita, Alicia Sotomayor Gonzalez, Jennifer K Spinler, Mark D Gonzalez, Dalia Gulick, Colleen Kraft, Vyjayanti Kasinathan, Yun F Wang, Jennifer Dien Bard, Pei Ying Chen, Jessica Flores-Vazquez, Audrey R Odom John, Paul J Planet, Sridevi Devaraj, Ananth V Annapragada, Ruth Ann Luna, Charles Y Chiu, Christina A Rostad

Clinical Features and Outcomes of Pediatric and Adult Patients Hospitalized for Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Comparison Across Age Strata.

Open forum infectious diseases

Li GX, Gopchandani K, Brazer N, Tippett A, Choi C, Hsiao HM, Oseguera M, Foresythe A, Bhattacharya S, Servellita V, Sotomayor Gonzalez A, Spinler JK, Gonzalez MD, Gulick D, Kraft C, Kasinathan V, Wang YFW, Dien Bard J, Chen PY, Flores-Vazquez J, Odom John AR, Planet PJ, Devaraj S, Annapragada AV, Luna RA, Chiu CY, Rostad CA

Characteristics of patients with initial Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) that are associated with increased risk of multiple CDI recurrences.

Open forum infectious diseases

Alice Y Guh, Rongxia Li, Lauren Korhonen, Lisa G Winston, Erin Parker, Christopher A Czaja, Helen Johnston, Elizabeth Basiliere, James Meek, Danyel Olson, Scott K Fridkin, Lucy E Wilson, Rebecca Perlmutter, Stacy M Holzbauer, Paige D’Heilly, Erin C Phipps, Kristina G Flores, Ghinwa K Dumyati, Rebecca Pierce, Valerie L S Ocampo, Christopher D Wilson, Jasmine J Watkins, Dale N Gerding, L Clifford McDonald

Characteristics of Patients With Initial Clostridioides difficile Infection (CDI) That Are Associated With Increased Risk of Multiple CDI Recurrences.

Open forum infectious diseases

Guh AY, Li R, Korhonen L, Winston LG, Parker E, Czaja CA, Johnston H, Basiliere E, Meek J, Olson D, Fridkin SK, Wilson LE, Perlmutter R, Holzbauer SM, D'Heilly P, Phipps EC, Flores KG, Dumyati GK, Pierce R, Ocampo VLS, Wilson CD, Watkins JJ, Gerding DN, McDonald LC

684. Characteristics of Patients with Initial Clostridioides difficile Infection (CDI) That Are Associated With Increased Risk of Multiple CDI Recurrences.

Open forum infectious diseases

Alice Guh, Rongxia Li, Lauren C Korhonen, Lisa Gail Winston, Erin Parker, Christopher A Czaja, Helen Johnston, Elizabeth Basiliere, James Meek, Danyel M Olson, Scott Fridkin, Lucy E Wilson, Rebecca Perlmutter, Stacy Holzbauer, Paige D’Heilly, Erin Phipps, Kristina Flores, Ghinwa Dumyati, Rebecca Pierce, Valerie Ocampo, Christopher Wilson, Jasmine Watkins, Dale Gerding, L Clifford McDonald

857. Impact of Rapid Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing for Gram Negative Bacteremia Varies by Pathogen Type and Resistance: A Secondary Analysis of the RAPIDS GN Trial.

Open forum infectious diseases

Ritu Banerjee, Abhigya Giri, Lauren Komarow, Maria Souli, Sarah B Doernberg, Robin Patel

Maribavir for Cytomegalovirus Treatment in the Real World-Not a Silver Bullet.

Open forum infectious diseases

Fung M, DeVoe C, Spottiswoode N, Doernberg SB

223. Development and Analysis of a Novel DOOR Endpoint for Complicated Intra-abdominal Infections (cIAI) Using 10 Registrational Trials for Antibacterial Drugs.

Open forum infectious diseases

Tori Kinamon, Ramya Gopinath, Ursula Waack, Mark Needles, Daniel Rubin, Deborah Collyar, Sarah B Doernberg, Scott R Evans, Toshimitsu Hamasaki, Thomas L Holland, Jessica Howard-Anderson, Henry Chambers, Vance G Fowler, Sumathi Nambiar, Peter Kim, Helen W Boucher
