Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy

How do pharmacists select antimicrobials? A model of pharmacists' therapeutic reasoning processes

Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy

Gruenberg K, Abdoler E, O'Brien BC, Schwartz BS, MacDougall C.

How Do Pharmacists Select Antimicrobials? A Model of Pharmacists’ Therapeutic Reasoning Processes.

Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy

Katherine Gruenberg, Emily Abdoler, Bridget C. O'Brien, Brian S. Schwartz, Conan MacDougall

Climate care is health care: A call for collaborative pharmacy action.

Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy

Alice Gahbauer, Katherine Gruenberg, Catherine Forrester, Amir Saba, Samuel Schauer, Michelle Fravel, Ashley Lam, Tina Brock

Climate Care is Health Care: A Call for Collaborative Pharmacy Action

Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy

Gahbauer A, Gruenberg K, Forrester C, Saba A, Schauer S, Fravel M, Lam A, Brock T.