Katherine Gruenberg, PharmD, MA

Associate Professor
Clinical Pharmacy

Challenges and advances in the medical treatment of granulomatous amebic encephalitis.

Therapeutic advances in infectious disease

Spottiswoode N, Haston JC, Hanners NW, Gruenberg K, Kim A, DeRisi JL, Wilson MR

Inter-rater reliability assessment of antibiotic prescription quality by infectious diseases physicians, fellows, and pharmacists.

Antimicrobial stewardship & healthcare epidemiology : ASHE

Bystritsky R, Gruenberg K, Abdoler E, Hilts-Horeczko A, Doernberg SB

Successful Treatment of Balamuthia mandrillaris Granulomatous Amebic Encephalitis with Nitroxoline.

Emerging infectious diseases

Spottiswoode N, Pet D, Kim A, Gruenberg K, Shah M, Ramachandran A, Laurie MT, Zia M, Fouassier C, Boutros CL, Lu R, Zhang Y, Servellita V, Bollen A, Chiu CY, Wilson MR, Valdivia L, DeRisi JL

Student Performance Outcomes and Perceptions in Two Content Areas in Conventional Versus Integrated Pharmacy Curricula.

American journal of pharmaceutical education

Hsia SL, Gruenberg K, Nguyen J, La A, MacDougall C

Changes in Pharmacy Students' Self-Reported Learning Strategies across a 4-year Doctor of Pharmacy Program.

American journal of pharmaceutical education

Trinh AM, Vu TT, Gruenberg K, MacDougall C

Gaps in Patient Education on Safe Handling and Disposal of Oral Chemotherapy Drugs: A Pilot Prospective Cohort Survey Study

Journal of Contemporary Pharmacy Practice

Yang S, Patel P, Corcoran A, Dobberpuhl E, Isidro S, Le D, Klassen A, Rho J, Tran D, Beuttler R, Noori Nassr N, Gruenberg K, Wong S-F

Longitudinal study of grit among pharmacy students: Impact of cohort and professional year.

Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning

Gruenberg K, Brock T, MacDougall C

Should multiple-choice questions get the SAQ? Development of a short-answer question writing rubric.

Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning

Nguyentan DC, Gruenberg K, Shin J

Examining participant perceptions of the UCSF school of pharmacy master preceptor program.

Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning

Le M, Luong S, Mong R, Gruenberg K, Clinard V

How do pharmacists select antimicrobials? A model of pharmacists' therapeutic reasoning processes

Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy

Gruenberg K, Abdoler E, O'Brien BC, Schwartz BS, MacDougall C.

Active hope: The personal and professional roles of pharmacists in climate action.


Katherine Gruenberg, Catherine Forrester, Hayley Blackburn, Tracy Lyons, Ashley Lam, Tina Brock, Alice Gahbauer

Characterisation of an elective course on climate change for health professional students.

Pharmacy Education

Ereca Nguyen, Hugo Aguilar, Yaser Khoshal, Conan MacDougall, Katherine Gruenberg

Implementation and evaluation of a virtual objective structured clinical examination for pharmacy students.


Stephanie L. Hsia, Crystal Zhou, Katherine Gruenberg, Trang D. Trinh, Mitra Assemi

Climate care is health care: A call for collaborative pharmacy action.

Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy

Alice Gahbauer, Katherine Gruenberg, Catherine Forrester, Amir Saba, Samuel Schauer, Michelle Fravel, Ashley Lam, Tina Brock

Exploring Multiple Perspectives on Pharmacy Students' Readiness for Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences.

American journal of pharmaceutical education

Gruenberg K, Hsia S, O'Brien B, O'Sullivan P

A Randomized, Crossover Pilot Study of a Novel Web-Based/Mobile Platform for Collaborative Small Group Practice in Therapeutic Reasoning.

Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development

Gruenberg K, Brock T, Garcia J, MacDougall C

A Comprehensive Survey of Infectious Diseases Curriculum Among US Pharmacy Schools.

American journal of pharmaceutical education

Jeffres MN, Kufel WD, Biehle LR, Cho JC, Narayanan N, Gruenberg K, Garcia J, MacDougall C

Pharmacists as environmental stewards: Strategies for minimizing and managing drug waste.

Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy

Janna Afanasjeva, Katherine Gruenberg

Longitudinal Associations Between Grit, Academic Outcomes, and Residency Match Rates Among Pharmacy Students.

American journal of pharmaceutical education

Gruenberg K, Brock T, MacDougall C

A novel online platform promotes asynchronous class preparation and thought transparency.

Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning

Shin J, Gruenberg K, Brock T

Test-enhanced learning in a pharmacy therapeutics course

Pharmacy Education

Shin J, Gruenberg K

Multidrug-Resistant Pseudomonas Infections: Hard to Treat, But Hope on the Horizon?

Current infectious disease reports

Nguyen L, Garcia J, Gruenberg K, MacDougall C

New approaches in primary central nervous system lymphoma.

Chinese clinical oncology

Fraser E, Gruenberg K, Rubenstein JL

Acetaminophen inhibits cytochrome c redox cycling induced lipid peroxidation.

Biochemical and biophysical research communications

Yin H, Vergeade A, Shi Q, Zackert WE, Gruenberg KC, Bokiej M, Amin T, Ying W, Masterson TS, Zinkel SS, Oates JA, Boutaud O, Roberts LJ